Making Hunger Her Priority

Kathy Gallo

Kathy Gallo

When Kathy Gallo retired in 2002, she knew she wanted to get involved with an organization she supported. She didn’t waste any time before choosing the Greater Chicago Food Depository.

“I made hunger my priority,” she says.

She started volunteering at the Food Depository once a week as an order checker. She also joined the Speakers Bureau: a select group of well-informed volunteers that visits schools, businesses and other organizations interested in learning more about the Food Depository’s work.

In addition to volunteering, Kathy has financially supported the Food Depository for the past 20 years.

“There’s no excuse for a country as wealthy as ours to have hungry people,” she says. “I’ve seen from the inside how much the Food Depository helps those in need.”

Kathy wanted to extend her support beyond volunteering and traditional giving, though. So, in 2014, she joined the Will to End Hunger Society—which enables donors to support the Food Depository through their will or living trust—by naming the organization as a beneficiary of her estate.

“The Will to End Hunger Society is one way that, after I’m gone, I can continue to do good for those in need,” Kathy says. “It’s a way to ensure everyone in our community has access to food.”

To learn more about making a planned gift to the Food Depository—or listing the Food Depository in your will, living trust, or life insurance policy—contact Natalie A. Ramos at 773-843-6907 or